Since my last post on his 9 month milestones abt 2 weeks ago, he had made some progress. He now knows how to;
1. wave bye-bye
2. clap hands
3. still learning how to wave Hi-Hi
4. stand unsupported for a min or so. Ytd he attempted o walk with us holding to him too. He kept wanting to lift his feet but he was unsure.
5. now he can move up n down sideway along the coffee table instead of station at 1 spot.
6. ytd was the 1st time he pulled himself up using the sofa as support. He did it while elder brother n family was here, all of us were busy chatting but I noticed tt, thou I din praised him coz was talking haha~
7. do Hi-5
Oh there is this small incident. I was playing with, opening up his hands n tickle his palm, did a few times. Then I asked him to do Hi-5, instead of doing tt, he tickle my palm!! Wow! I am amazed!!!
Ytd was the 1st time he was at the coffee table, walked n turn to walk the width. Then the walker was next to the table. He stretched out his hands to touch the walker, wanted to move over but when he put his weight on the hand tt is on the walker, it moved, he was unsure, so he try again n the walker moved again, then he give up, probably thinking its not safe hahaha~ then turn n walk back to the length of the table n continue his walk up n down :P
So far we have given him to a few kinds of food since he started to eat porridge.
1. small bits of bread
2. new potatoes (ytd gave him 1 n half of it)
3. half a hard boiled egg yolk
4. minced meat
5. minced carrot
6. yogurt for kids
Thinking of cooking pumpkin, broccoli n adds into his porridge. Sis was saying can add into the instant cereal but I think it will taste funny. Have to slowly add new things to his diet. He is already not eating the cereal, maybe due to teething, so its quite difficult to add new food into his diet.
1. wave bye-bye
2. clap hands
3. still learning how to wave Hi-Hi
4. stand unsupported for a min or so. Ytd he attempted o walk with us holding to him too. He kept wanting to lift his feet but he was unsure.
5. now he can move up n down sideway along the coffee table instead of station at 1 spot.
6. ytd was the 1st time he pulled himself up using the sofa as support. He did it while elder brother n family was here, all of us were busy chatting but I noticed tt, thou I din praised him coz was talking haha~
7. do Hi-5
Oh there is this small incident. I was playing with, opening up his hands n tickle his palm, did a few times. Then I asked him to do Hi-5, instead of doing tt, he tickle my palm!! Wow! I am amazed!!!
Ytd was the 1st time he was at the coffee table, walked n turn to walk the width. Then the walker was next to the table. He stretched out his hands to touch the walker, wanted to move over but when he put his weight on the hand tt is on the walker, it moved, he was unsure, so he try again n the walker moved again, then he give up, probably thinking its not safe hahaha~ then turn n walk back to the length of the table n continue his walk up n down :P
So far we have given him to a few kinds of food since he started to eat porridge.
1. small bits of bread
2. new potatoes (ytd gave him 1 n half of it)
3. half a hard boiled egg yolk
4. minced meat
5. minced carrot
6. yogurt for kids
Thinking of cooking pumpkin, broccoli n adds into his porridge. Sis was saying can add into the instant cereal but I think it will taste funny. Have to slowly add new things to his diet. He is already not eating the cereal, maybe due to teething, so its quite difficult to add new food into his diet.

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