This is LONG LONG OVERDUE!! Blame it on TIME! Plus the pictures are in my office computer thus not able to do it when I have time at home.
Well its a double celebration for Mae *grinz* She just moved to a new house so its a house warming party plus the birthday celebration for her little precious Sophia on 02 June 2007.
There were so many wonderful food! Too bad I have forgotten to take a pic of all those yummy food ~slurp slurp~ I especially like the mushroom with something n mashed potato, simply delicious!!
As usual, all of us have a good time, it was a noisy, happy n fun gathering. See the pictures and you know it. All the kids are enjoying the food, the balloons, the company. Same goes for the adults :) Too bad we have to leave early as the sky turns dark n looks like going to rain. Hitched a ride from Eunice though hee~
Must ask Mae how to make tt mashed potato with mushroom dish.
Well its a double celebration for Mae *grinz* She just moved to a new house so its a house warming party plus the birthday celebration for her little precious Sophia on 02 June 2007.
There were so many wonderful food! Too bad I have forgotten to take a pic of all those yummy food ~slurp slurp~ I especially like the mushroom with something n mashed potato, simply delicious!!
As usual, all of us have a good time, it was a noisy, happy n fun gathering. See the pictures and you know it. All the kids are enjoying the food, the balloons, the company. Same goes for the adults :) Too bad we have to leave early as the sky turns dark n looks like going to rain. Hitched a ride from Eunice though hee~
Must ask Mae how to make tt mashed potato with mushroom dish.

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