Today slightly better, I woke up ard 550am, wash up, bathed, changed, put on make up etc then feed Little DinoEgg milk milk. We left the house ard 7am, not bad ya consider the fact that we have been leaving the house ard 710-715am.
Little DinoEgg has cough.... Fought with him to feed him the med, put him on the mattress while i wash his milk bottle, he fell asleep, poor thing :( 1st it was running nose, follow by fever then now cough... when will it end??? So heart pain to see him suffer.
He slept all the way to the child care centre, but woke up when we reach. As usual, when he sees teacher Nati, he cry!!! Passed him to teacher, told her he has cough n med is inside the bag, then quickly turn n leave.
Tonight meeting someone to collect stuffs so asked Mum to fetch son. Went to Mum's place after tt, had a cold nasi lemak, sat down chat with Mum for a while then pack to go home. Little DinoEgg was coughing frequently.
After his milk milk, fought with him to feed him med again. Luckily the med will make him drowsy so he fell asleep after a short while. However it was not a pleasant sleep, he kept coughing thus waking up. Tonight will be a sleepless nite for me. Hope he gets well soon.

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