Today had a great birthday party for Little DinoEgg. Had the party in 2 sessions, 1st one celebration with Han (birthday on 03 Aug) & Adel (birthday on 14 Aug) for forum friends & friends, 2nd one is for Han & Little DinoEgg for relatives & colleagues.
See the nice & yummy cakes~
Here are alot alot of pictures to tell you how many friends & family members turn up for the party.
The Birthday Boy
The Relatives
Cake Cutting Sessions
Linda & gang (dunno who, no card to say from who else hehe) bought a new BMW for Little DinoEgg. Wah I tell u, its sooo difficult to assmeble it, took Linda & Si Ling (Alvin's gf) more the half and hour to figure it. Funny thing is.. the guys; the Elvin & Alvin just sit n did nothing -_- *arbish*
I can vouch for everyone tt all of them had a wonderful time tt day, especially Little DinoEgg. He was sooo dead tired as he missed his afternoon nap but still wanna be carried around, walk around, crawl around n mingle with everyone.
As usual the LOST & FOUND section
You know its really very normal for pple to leave things behind after gathering, hankies, water bottles toys etc. BUT no one can beat THIS!!!!
Win lor!! This person either went home barefooted OR wore some one else's shoes/slipper back. Ok which one of u did tt? Own up NOW!!!
Everyone left around 10pm, after tt we waited for the buffet guys to pick up their stuffs. Oh ya we order catering from Neo Garden, and the food did not disappoint us! Its really yummy! Cousin Wen love their fried rice and think most of us fell in love with their curry hehe~ yummy yummy~~ thinking about their food makes me hungry now.
Little DinoEgg received lotsa presents!! He is crying coz he is cranky n tired BUT i still drag him n put him onto his new BMW to take picture *evil mummy*
Little DinoEgg received lotsa presents!! He is crying coz he is cranky n tired BUT i still drag him n put him onto his new BMW to take picture *evil mummy*
And confirmed, complete with stamp and chop! Little DinoEgg is NOT a Barney fan wahaha~ Look I have evidence!! He has been diligently knock the Barney plate, bowl, spoon & cup on the floor or bang them together. So finally the cup gave way... muahahha~ So Auntie Charmaine, u are WRONG!! Anyway thank you to Auntie Charmaine & Auntie Catherine for the Barney utensil set :P
Its really a tired, enjoyable n unforgetable day!!! And finally.......

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