Hmm... I used to have some doubts on child care, but after Little DinoEgg has been to one, I change my view a little. Well at least now Little DinoEgg
1. can hold his bottle himself. Dun misunderstand me, he DOES know how to BUT he simply refuse to do it. NOW, when he sees his milk bottle, he will automatically lie down (regardless of where he is), stretch out his hands to take the bottle n drinks his milk on his own quietly. I do not need to be by his side :)
2. able to sleep on mattress. He is so reliant on the sarong that its driving us almost nuts!!! Initially we were worried that he is not able to take his naps in child care centre, we were wrong. He ditches the sarong a week after that. Now the saraong is collecting dust in his room :)
1. can hold his bottle himself. Dun misunderstand me, he DOES know how to BUT he simply refuse to do it. NOW, when he sees his milk bottle, he will automatically lie down (regardless of where he is), stretch out his hands to take the bottle n drinks his milk on his own quietly. I do not need to be by his side :)
2. able to sleep on mattress. He is so reliant on the sarong that its driving us almost nuts!!! Initially we were worried that he is not able to take his naps in child care centre, we were wrong. He ditches the sarong a week after that. Now the saraong is collecting dust in his room :)
3. can sit down to have his meals. Before that he will walk around the coffee table, I have to either go after him or keep asking him to "com back, come back". When I show him the bowl which will catch his attention, when i say "sit down pls~" he actually will sit down n wait for me to feed him :)
Last week was walking with 1 of his teacher to the LRT station, chatted with her as I want to know more about the stuffs they did so I can follow or do the same at home. Basically just some toys playing, interacting, action songs etc. She told me that Little DinoEgg loves music. Whenever he is cranky n crying out to get some one's attention, she will sing to him, seems that this calms him down alot. She also told me that he is one of the active n responsive ones. She noticed this especially when they were singing Roll Roll Roll you boat, when the part you have to scream, he will go "AAAHHHHHH~~~" She asked me whether have I been singing this song to him, I told her I did not, just once or twice.
Last week was walking with 1 of his teacher to the LRT station, chatted with her as I want to know more about the stuffs they did so I can follow or do the same at home. Basically just some toys playing, interacting, action songs etc. She told me that Little DinoEgg loves music. Whenever he is cranky n crying out to get some one's attention, she will sing to him, seems that this calms him down alot. She also told me that he is one of the active n responsive ones. She noticed this especially when they were singing Roll Roll Roll you boat, when the part you have to scream, he will go "AAAHHHHHH~~~" She asked me whether have I been singing this song to him, I told her I did not, just once or twice.
Few nights ago, I sang this song to him together with the actions, after the first couple of times, I sang it w/o the actions. And Little DinoEgg did the action himself~ He moved his body forward n backward a few times, looked at me n smile, I was ssooooo happy!
However we found a few bad habits which are not sure whether did Little DinoEgg has "learn" from child care. He now likes to throw tantrums, if we take away the things tt he is not suppose to touch or play with, he will wail n wail, sometimes even throw himself onto the floor OR fall backwards risk hitting his head onto the cold hard floor *GOSH!!!* When he starts this we simply just leave him on the floor or put him at his naughty corner. Little DinoEgg has also grown attached to his pacifier n bolster... means it will be harder for me to wean him off the pacifier... The teacher told me that sometimes they give him the pacifier when he cries or he keep putting his fingers into his mouth to chew. Better to chew the pacifier then the fingers lest he bite himself (he now has 7 teeth)
Therefore, there are pros n cons in sending our baby to infant care. Its just a matter of whether you can accept these changes or not.
Last but not least, here are some pictures taken on 01 August 2007, the day he started infant care.

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