The Tampines Ikea & Giant was opened last year, even though the place is near us, we never have a chance to go down n take a look at it. All we did is to hear bits n pieces of info about that place; how the car park parking space is big, how Ikea is so big, how Giant is so big etc etc. Most of the info we receive is big big BIG!
Well we got a chance to go down that place on 07 October 2007, with Wendy & Mike. The 2 places is really BIG! Even the cafetaria is huge! We had their famous meatballs and chicken wings before heading to Ikea. Walk quite a far bit as its BIG, bought a tool set n some Ikea batteries for Little DinoEgg's toys. Then we proceed to Customer Service section as Wendy & Mike need to replace some faulty furniture.
While waiting, Little DinoEgg walked around the area, chasing his Daddy, he was so excited that he giggled n laughed so loud. Everyone sitting at the waiting area laugh with him when they see him laugh. Well laughter can truly spread, makes a person feels like laughing when you see another person laughing. Little DinoEgg entertained all of us with his smiles, laughters n some of his tricks.
We proceed to Giant after that, its HUGE! So much things to see... so little time (we need to head to East Coast for dinner)... I told Daniel we will come back n shop till our hearts content 1 fine day :P Though we were only inside Giant for about an hour, we bought quite alot of things; yogurt for kiddos, shower foam, baby's detergent, maggie noodles etc etc... then we threw all groceries into Mike's car and head down to East Coast for our dinner.
Though it was only just pass 6pm, the place were already quite crowded. We managed to get a table and we headed off for our "missions"; Mike to queue for duck rice, Daniel to queue for satay bee hoon, me & Wendy sit at the table n relax haha~
Well we got a chance to go down that place on 07 October 2007, with Wendy & Mike. The 2 places is really BIG! Even the cafetaria is huge! We had their famous meatballs and chicken wings before heading to Ikea. Walk quite a far bit as its BIG, bought a tool set n some Ikea batteries for Little DinoEgg's toys. Then we proceed to Customer Service section as Wendy & Mike need to replace some faulty furniture.
While waiting, Little DinoEgg walked around the area, chasing his Daddy, he was so excited that he giggled n laughed so loud. Everyone sitting at the waiting area laugh with him when they see him laugh. Well laughter can truly spread, makes a person feels like laughing when you see another person laughing. Little DinoEgg entertained all of us with his smiles, laughters n some of his tricks.
We proceed to Giant after that, its HUGE! So much things to see... so little time (we need to head to East Coast for dinner)... I told Daniel we will come back n shop till our hearts content 1 fine day :P Though we were only inside Giant for about an hour, we bought quite alot of things; yogurt for kiddos, shower foam, baby's detergent, maggie noodles etc etc... then we threw all groceries into Mike's car and head down to East Coast for our dinner.
Though it was only just pass 6pm, the place were already quite crowded. We managed to get a table and we headed off for our "missions"; Mike to queue for duck rice, Daniel to queue for satay bee hoon, me & Wendy sit at the table n relax haha~
Little DinoEgg entertained himself on the bench while me & Wendy eat n drink n the men queue up for food. Everything was OK till Daddy came back... Little DinoEgg, as usual wants his dad, so I have no choice but bring him to walk around while Daniel have his dinner.
We took a walk outside the food centre, I saw water and headed that direction thinking its the beach. Well it turns out to be a huge enclosed water area when you can learn how to water ski or wake board. There is this cable that goes around the area, u just attached the rope to the cable and let the machine pull it. U can even learn how to jump too hee~ Little DinoEgg was so amazed with these uncles "flying" on the water. He even imitate their skiing action hahaha~ He was so engross with it that he did not want to leave, I have to carry him.
When we went back, Ms Bec+family just came (after contemplating n thinking for a long time whether to join us or not *piakz Ms Bec*). She suggested going to Geylang to shop around at the pasar malam to see if have any good n cheap things to buy. However we were there for a short while then we went home as Little DinoEgg was cranky n its way pass his bed time. Mike offered to send us back ~Thanks Mike + Wendy~
Here are some pictures I took in Ikea & East Coast.

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