This morning Mike text Daniel asking if we are free to pop by his place for a surprise birthday party for Wendy. As he was still sleeping when Mike text, he saw it only in the afternoon. He immediately called Mike n they settled for 4.30pm. I started to text the gang immediately; 4.30pm meet at Wendy's house downstairs then we go up together.
Too bad Adeline, Jessie, Rebecca & Elaine cannot make it; Kayton is having flu, Jessie, Rebecca & Elaine already have prior arrangements.
We were late (ooppsss sorry gang~), the rest were already downstairs together with Mike waiting for us. We quickly got out of the cab n join them to go up. When we were up, the door was ajar, so I pressed the doorbell, Auntie Josie came to the door, I showed her the "shhshhh" sign, then she went in to get Wendy out. When she open the door we sang Happy Birthday to her. She was so shocked n surprised n happy!!!
Once inside the house, we got "scolded" by Wendy for not telling her anything (duhz! If tell u then it wun be surprise ya?). Can see that she is very happy about this.
As it was raining very heavily, we decided to order Pizza & KFC n stay at Mike+Wendy's cosy home, enjoy the food n relax abit. While waiting for the food to be delivered (Mike says takes one n half hours to deliver), we chatted, joked n I did my job, I took loads of pic hee~ Wendy's mum + 2 nieces & 1 nephew came; more pple!! More fun, more noise, more lively!!!
After a while we sang the Birthday song n cut the cake. While cutting the cake, me, Amy & Randy was wondering why there are 2 slices of lemon on top of the cake. It look abit out of place with all the nice strawberries, kiwis n peach. When we tasted the cake, we knew; coz its a lemon sponge cake haha~ We think the cake tastes good, different from the normal vanila sponge cake. Good choice Mike!
Time passes very quickly n before we knew it, the Pizza delivery guy was at the door. And WOW!!! Mike ordered ssooooo many pizzas!!! We start digging in the pizzas. Auntie Josie cooked a pot of clam chowder soup n I took 3 bowls; yummy~ A while later the KFC delivery guy came with our chicken, whipped potato, colestraw, popcorn chicken n nuggets!! So much food!!!! Lucky we have Romi around, who (according to him) finishes 1 n a half pizza, woah~~
I ate so much that after that I was feeling sleepy n couldn't even concentrate what the gang were chatting n discussing. Anyway Daddy around, any important things to note he will tell me later hee~
Its such a fun time, as usual, the adults n kiddos all enjoyed themselves; though there were a few fights over toy cars n stool, but kids are just kids :)
Diana+Randy+kiddos left around 8plus as they need to go some where. We stayed for a while then we left with Romi+Amy+Manfred. ~THANKS ROMI N AMY FOR THE RIDE HOME AGAIN~ Little DinoEgg fell asleep during the car ride, did not even wake up when we reached home, missed his night time milk too. Guess he is very tired after playing with all the kor-kor n jie-jie.
PS : Wendy's text after we left "Thanks so much for the surprise birthday celebration for me. i m really so touched n happy. When all of u sing the birthday song before coming in my house, I was so touched n tears almost drop liao. Thanks again for coming all the way to my house just to celebrate my birthday *muack*"
Allo Ms Wendy, no need to thanks us, thanks ur hubby who made this arrangement. And its not JUST a birthday, its our FRIEND'S BIRTHDAY!!!

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