From SingHealth to Compass Point for breakfast to Eunice+Lee Huat's little Prince's baby shower. We walked over to their house which is opposite Compass Point. Though the sun is glaring but it was not as hot as I imagine. As we did not see the map to locate their house direction, we simply just walk towards the block of flats, thinking it should not be too difficult to find their block.
We walked pass a playground and Daddy let Little DinoEgg sat on the slide. This was not the 1st time he played the slide but he love it very much, actually wanted to climbed up the slide after he landed at the end of it *silly boy*
We found the block and proceed to Eunice+Lee Huat's house. Woah~~ we were the 1st to arrive, the caterer just done putting up the food etc too heee~ Luckily I told Eunice yesterday that we probably will pop by early, straight after the MMR jab. Chloe was so happy to see us, greeting us at the door, wagging her tail so excitedly. Little DinoEgg is also delighted to see her! This is the 1st time he is so up close and personal with another dog other then Kiroe. He keep wanting to touch Chloe but when she walk up to him, he turn and "run" away hahaa~ See the pictures below; he was "kissed" by Chloe :P
Baby Sean has grown so much since I saw him on his birth day, looking more n more handsome ya *grinz* Hmmm... so who does he look like now?? Dun ask me, I am very bad with this.
We had a wonderful time there, when Snoopy arrives, he immediately arrow Chloe, smelling her butt *eeeewwwwww~~* He got interested in Little DinoEgg too, smelt his diaper haha~ A while later Jace+hubby arrives, she almost could not recognise me hehe~ Well the last time we saw each other was ages ago!
We stayed for almost an hour before deciding to set off for home as Little DinoEgg was getting cranky. Thats coz he did not have his morning nap and its almost time for his milk plus he badly needs a shuteye. Since we are able to see our block of flats from Eunice's place, we decided to walk home. Took us about 25mins, the weather was cooling and we were home faster then we thought it would take :)
Little DinoEgg knock out almost immediately after his milk. Below are a few pictures I took today.

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