Happy day happy day!!! Today is my younger brother's ROM day!!! Even Little DinoEgg also feel the mood. I was moving around the house getting his bag ready when he suddenly took his shoe from the shoe rack, then with 1 shoe in each hand, he follow me EVERY WHERE!! From his room to our bedroom to kitchen to living room n back to his room.... waving his shoes in the air and blabbering... as if asking me "MUM!! Are we leaving yet?? Can I wear my shoe now???" GOSH... I have to keep telling him "Baby, we are not going out yet, pls put ur shoes down." or "BABY~~ put ur shoes DOWN! You have not bath n change clothes, wait a while, mummy have to pack ur bag 1st!" etc. Apparently he does not understand me... a while later he lost interest, threw his shoes onto his mattress n went to find some toys to amuse himself with.
Here are the pictures~~
Here are the pictures~~
As I said, its a happy happy day~~

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