Went to Jalan Kayu for prata supper, but this time I went alone coz Little DinoEgg was very cranky. Reached home around 9pm+, fed him milk n had a hard time making his to sleep. He slept for a while then suddenly woke up screaming n crying, unconsolable. He finally quieten down when he lies on Daddy's chest, trying very hard to go back to sleep. After much consideration, we decided that Daddy will stay home with him while I go supper alone. Actually wanted to tell the gang we wun be going but i need to pass some stuffs to Jessie & Elaine.
Anyway, Mike+Wendy with Bec & Jessie in the car came to fetch me at around 1115pm, when we reach Jalan Kayu, Adeline+Wille & Elaine+Shawn+Shyann was already there. Didn't know that Willie is able to make it as Adeline was saying he has been working late pass few days so may not join us.
It was fun time chattering, eating, gossiping, playing n laughing at the supper (now I know who is that KPO lady Adeline is referring, n wow she really do it so openly ya?). We ordered mostly prata; lets see there were 10 plain ones n about 4-5 cheese pratas, I only ate 2 plain pratas, Willie order a special nasi goreng but dunno what is it call, my Malay cannot make it de lah hehehe~ Ok today we finally learn in detail what Ms Elaine's company is doing/selling AND Ms Adeline learnt a new word; Hanger. hehehe~ shall not elaborate further on the Hanger issue lest i get hantum by someone :P
Time really passes real fast!!! When we left it was alread 2am!!! I packed bee hoon goreng, kambing soup n lime juice for Daniel. Willie offered to send me back since its on the way. So we parted our ways. Was still chattering with Adeline in the car when I sort of notice we have made a "new" turn, thought its a new way or perhaps I seen it wrongly (I dun drive n I am really bad with roads haha~), few minutes after that Willie says "hmm.. think we are on the wrong road..." just then Wendy called and she say "Hey, Willie trying to give u a sightseeing ride home izzit? *hahaha~* We were wondering how come he turned into that road"
Its ok lah Willie, since its the 1st time I sit in your car, then I take it as you wanna let me enjoy it for a longer period of time ya? hehehe~ Reached home after 2am, did not see the time. ~THANKS WILLIE+ADELINE FOR THE RIDE HOME!!~

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