We usually goes back to Granny's house for dinner, and during these nights, Little DinoEgg finds ways and means to irritate Granny. Here is an example.
Granny is keeping the clothes in the kitchen, walking in n out, Little DinoEgg practically follows her every move!
Here's whats happening in the kitchen... he knows jolly well that the floor mat is very dirty and he is not suppose to play with it. And here he is... bringing the floor mat walking in n out of the kitchen and even throwing it over his head!!!
Anyway, these videos were taken a week plus ago, and u know wat? Last Friday while at Granny's house, he played with the floor mat again BUT this time he says "dity dity" which means DIRTY. We have been tell him the floor mat is DIRTY (both in English n Mandarin) and he learn how to say that word~ so happy for him. This little fella is fast in learning things, can foresee him to be a chatter-box :D
Anyway, these videos were taken a week plus ago, and u know wat? Last Friday while at Granny's house, he played with the floor mat again BUT this time he says "dity dity" which means DIRTY. We have been tell him the floor mat is DIRTY (both in English n Mandarin) and he learn how to say that word~ so happy for him. This little fella is fast in learning things, can foresee him to be a chatter-box :D

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