Little DinoEgg's child care centre was closed for Christmas on 26 & 27 Dec'07, this morning sent him to school and he freaked out! Guess after going out shopping and have fun for 3 days he sort of forgot about school. He wailed and cried outside the school, teacher Harusoh have to come out and carry him in. While I walked away, I can still hear him screaming at the top of his voice.
Went to Kiddy Palace @ Compass Point n bought a xylophone. Little DinoEgg 1st saw this at Wendy's house and took a liking to it, everytime he is there he will definately wanna play with it. Then recently saw this at Elaine's house and he also plays with it. Thus decided to get it for him since I chance upon it today.

I am confident that he will be very happy today and sees this on the table when he is home :D

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