He is Eric Carle!! Creator of The Very Hungry Caterpillar n author of Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See? Remember my post on this book with my sis gave Little DinoEgg? Since then I have been searching the local & overseas bookshops for his books. Then I chance upon his official website during one of the recent BP in one of the forum. Wow~ he really have alot of books which some of them could not be found in Singapore.
I am especially interested in the Little Cloud and Papa, Please Get the Moon For Me, but could not find them in the local bookstores. Little Cloud is good for teaching the children about clouds in a fun way. They can also learn how to imagine in its different forms. These 2 books are suitable for Little DinoEgg's age, but just want to get it and read it to him.
As I have said, I like Eric Carle's board book because its full of vibrant colors and only perhaps a sentence or two in a page. The pictures may not be pretty or cartoon cute to some the colors coupled with his collage technique has a way of capturing the attention of the young ones. Little DinoEgg was fascinated by the colors when he 1st laid his hands on Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? He has another book; My Very First Book of Food, the pages are divided into 2 where u have to match the correct food with the animals. He still does not know how to match the food but he sure have fun flipping the pages again n again n again. I take this opportunity to teach him the names of different animals and the food.
Perhaps I should start looking for his books online, maybe some online stores are selling at much cheaper price then bookstores.

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