Look what I did for the gang :) *so proud of myself*
These DIY fridge magnets cost less then $5 each :P And as its the 1st time I am doing this, I hope it really sticks to the fridge and able to hold at least a small piece of paper *pray pray*
Pressies for the kiddos~ Missing Manfred's pressie as I gave it to him at Wendy's house as Amy says she may not be able to attend our Chirstmas BBQ.
Ok, u must be thinking "Why all presents are wrapped in the same wrapping paper?" Well~ there are sssooooo many pretty pretty christmas wrappers that I cannot decided which ones to buy and which one to use for which kiddo's present. Therefore to solve my problem (if you can say it is), I decided to choose my favourite wrapper amongst them all and use it to wrap ALL the presents.
Daddy took some pictures of me while I was busy wrapping the pressies

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