Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Am I so Yummilicious?

Reached Little DinoEgg's school slightly early; around 6.45pm, teacher saw me and went to fetch him. Saw from the window he was in tears and thought maybe he was napping, cried coz teacher woke him up.

When I saw him at the door, I asked him "why are u crying? shame shame lor~" Teacher Siti's reply shocked me... "oh.. coz he was bitten by Nathan..." GOSH!! Another biter!!! This time a younger chap... Teacher Siti says Little DinoEgg is too yummy to resist *haha*, she has already informed Nathan parents when they came to pick him up earlier.

Duhz... why can't they just leave Little DinoEgg alone??? Will he still be the target when he goes up to playgroup in Feb?

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