I was sleeping soundly when suddenly I heard Little DinoEgg crying, opened my eyes n could not find him on the bed!!!! I quickly look to the floor... he fell from the bed...
There is a gap between our bed and the wall, we were afraid he will turn n fall down the bed onto the floor thus we put his cot mattress on the floor lest he really fall. But the cot mattress is so small, so we put it near the top of the bed. Little DinoEgg likes to roll all over when he sleeps on the mattress but on the bed he seldom do that. Not sure what happened yesterday, he roll n fell near the foot of the bed... head knocked the cold hard floor...
Daddy picked him up and put him back on the bed, comfort him for a while n he fell back to sleep, guess he is still tired (it was 330am). After he went back to sleep, he keep waking me up... seems like he rolled away from me and then will wake up and crawl back to me. He will also want to hold my hand or feel my hands etc, just to be sure that I am sleeping besides him. Feeling insecure after that fall....
There is a gap between our bed and the wall, we were afraid he will turn n fall down the bed onto the floor thus we put his cot mattress on the floor lest he really fall. But the cot mattress is so small, so we put it near the top of the bed. Little DinoEgg likes to roll all over when he sleeps on the mattress but on the bed he seldom do that. Not sure what happened yesterday, he roll n fell near the foot of the bed... head knocked the cold hard floor...
Daddy picked him up and put him back on the bed, comfort him for a while n he fell back to sleep, guess he is still tired (it was 330am). After he went back to sleep, he keep waking me up... seems like he rolled away from me and then will wake up and crawl back to me. He will also want to hold my hand or feel my hands etc, just to be sure that I am sleeping besides him. Feeling insecure after that fall....

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