Today is such a messy day. Suppose to go to Giant early in the morning after I collect my masks but Little DinoEgg takes donkey years to finish a piece of small sugar roll -_-" Earlier received a text from Adeline that Kayton is still having fever thus she is not joining us. While getting ready to go out, Jessie text saying Denise suffered a cut on her chin n its bleeding. Even though she managed to stop the bleeding, whenever Denise move her mouth etc the wound breaks again n blood flow out. *Oh dear... all this kiddos... sick n hurt... HUGZ HUGZ*
By the time we leave the house it was 11.15am, and when we reached Giant Tampines its about 11.45am. There are soooo many pple inside, crowded and jammed especially at the wet market area. Ended up we only get like 20% of our intended shopping list and started to heard back. Did not even buy our lunch back from the food court. Worst, it was raining when we are on the way home.
We left Giant close to 1pm, with Little DinoEgg making noise, screaming, kicking, crying etc for the pass 30mins as he is tired n wants his nap. Text Jessie to cancel our shopping trip... How to go shopping in peace with Little DinoEgg in this kind of state?
Messy messy... everything did not go as planned :( Daddy suppose to shop for his CNY clothes too. Guess he gotta do it next week alone.
By the time we leave the house it was 11.15am, and when we reached Giant Tampines its about 11.45am. There are soooo many pple inside, crowded and jammed especially at the wet market area. Ended up we only get like 20% of our intended shopping list and started to heard back. Did not even buy our lunch back from the food court. Worst, it was raining when we are on the way home.
We left Giant close to 1pm, with Little DinoEgg making noise, screaming, kicking, crying etc for the pass 30mins as he is tired n wants his nap. Text Jessie to cancel our shopping trip... How to go shopping in peace with Little DinoEgg in this kind of state?
Messy messy... everything did not go as planned :( Daddy suppose to shop for his CNY clothes too. Guess he gotta do it next week alone.

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