At night we went back to Leisure Park again. Suppose to be a last minute dinner with the gang but ended up only us and Bec+Andy+Amber as the rest has got some last min or urgent matters to attend to.
Ok I forgot the name of the jap restaurant but the food is yummy. Its a like Marche style, self service to pick the food u wanna eat then pay at the end of you meal.
Oh, Little DinoEgg had a small accident. I was carrying him and talking to Ms Bec at the conveyor belt, being curious and all, he stretched his hands and wanted to get the sushi plates. 1st time I managed to grabbed his hands back, but miscue on the 2nd time. His fingers were caught in between the 2 tracks, he shouted PAIN PAIN but I ignore, thinking its jus a light scratch (and he always little things PAIN here PAIN there). He cried loudly and I took a look... wow a cut with blood on his right middle finger :( Quickly bring him back to the table and clean the wound, it stopped bleeding after a while *phew*
Nearing Little DinoEgg's bed time, he started to get cranky. Keep whining and crying, insist daddy carry him n refuse to let me carry him. It got so out of hand that I grabbed him and brought him out of the restaurant for some Time-Off. I did that 3 times and finally he is able to listen and whines a little lesser. Amber was very curious why both of us keep walking out of the restaurant and came out with Ms Bec to "investigate" haha~ She must have had a shock seeing me punishing Little DinoEgg, guess I will not be in her Good Book for long *sob sob*
It was pass 9.30pm after our dinner thus we headed home instead of going to the Mac playground as we planned earlier.
Nearing Little DinoEgg's bed time, he started to get cranky. Keep whining and crying, insist daddy carry him n refuse to let me carry him. It got so out of hand that I grabbed him and brought him out of the restaurant for some Time-Off. I did that 3 times and finally he is able to listen and whines a little lesser. Amber was very curious why both of us keep walking out of the restaurant and came out with Ms Bec to "investigate" haha~ She must have had a shock seeing me punishing Little DinoEgg, guess I will not be in her Good Book for long *sob sob*
It was pass 9.30pm after our dinner thus we headed home instead of going to the Mac playground as we planned earlier.

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