Yupe, for Little DinoEgg and mummy, did not have the chance to go as Little DinoEgg was still young and could not appreciate the trip.
Arranged to meet Jessie & her kiddos at 2pm, we were early as we took a cab. Miscalculation from my part, Little DinoEgg napped till 1pm and I rushed like mad to give him milk, bath n change him. Luckily he was cooperative thus we were out of the house around 1.30pm, cab ride is about 20mins (I keep forgetting we are staying so near the airport). Tried taking photo of son n myself but failed... still have not master the act of self photo taking :( Never mind, practice makes perfect!
This is the first time Little DinoEgg went to a place with so much empty spaces, so huge building and ssooo quiet.... perhaps its becoz its a Saturday afternoon so not much flights during this time. We walked around for a while and suddenly something caught Little DinoEgg's attention. He was pointing to something excitedly and walking briskly towards it.
Turns out to be a kind of structure, like the fan in the plane's engine minus the outer cast. The fan turned slowly and in every direction randomly. Little DinoEgg shouted "FLY FLY FLY~~!!!" and starts was mesmerize by it. We were there for a good 10mins before i urge him to walk on as I got bored haha~
Jessie n kiddos finally arrives and we headed off to SWENSEN'S for our late lunch~ Every one enjoyed the food~ oh ya forgot to take picture of the food... After the heavy lunch we walked around exploring T3. So many shops but sell such x things :( The kids started to warm up with each other and soon are running and chasing each other or jus plain running aimlessly.
And guess what?? We walked back to FLY-FLY~ haha~ the kids ran n ran n ran, round the huge pillar, round the rows of seats, run everywhere! Me & Jessie relax on the seat n auntie Gina? Chasing after Zenson lor hahah~ A while later we went to basement, shop at the small NTUC then we headed home.
Arranged to meet Jessie & her kiddos at 2pm, we were early as we took a cab. Miscalculation from my part, Little DinoEgg napped till 1pm and I rushed like mad to give him milk, bath n change him. Luckily he was cooperative thus we were out of the house around 1.30pm, cab ride is about 20mins (I keep forgetting we are staying so near the airport). Tried taking photo of son n myself but failed... still have not master the act of self photo taking :( Never mind, practice makes perfect!
This is the first time Little DinoEgg went to a place with so much empty spaces, so huge building and ssooo quiet.... perhaps its becoz its a Saturday afternoon so not much flights during this time. We walked around for a while and suddenly something caught Little DinoEgg's attention. He was pointing to something excitedly and walking briskly towards it.
Turns out to be a kind of structure, like the fan in the plane's engine minus the outer cast. The fan turned slowly and in every direction randomly. Little DinoEgg shouted "FLY FLY FLY~~!!!" and starts was mesmerize by it. We were there for a good 10mins before i urge him to walk on as I got bored haha~
Jessie n kiddos finally arrives and we headed off to SWENSEN'S for our late lunch~ Every one enjoyed the food~ oh ya forgot to take picture of the food... After the heavy lunch we walked around exploring T3. So many shops but sell such x things :( The kids started to warm up with each other and soon are running and chasing each other or jus plain running aimlessly.
And guess what?? We walked back to FLY-FLY~ haha~ the kids ran n ran n ran, round the huge pillar, round the rows of seats, run everywhere! Me & Jessie relax on the seat n auntie Gina? Chasing after Zenson lor hahah~ A while later we went to basement, shop at the small NTUC then we headed home.
It was an enjoyable trip, except when Little DinoEgg misbehaves once in SWENSEN'S, once while shopping around (he lie down on the floor!!!) n once in NTUC (keep wanting to take something which GOD knows what is it!). Turns out that he is feeling tired, I asked him if he wanna sleep he nodded. I took out the sling, put it on him and minutes later he zzz all the way home. In fact all 3 kiddos hit the sack the minute we are on the road. Guess all those running n excitement truly tires them out.

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