Update On Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease (HFMD) Situation In Singapore(9)
27 May 2008
The number of HFMD cases notified to MOH decreased by 22% to 729 cases in the week ending 24 May 2008 from 940 in the previous week. This brings the total number of notified HFMD cases in 2008 so far to 13,401. 12 (1.6%) cases required hospitalisation last week mainly because of poor feeding.
A ten-year-old boy has been hospitalised for encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). The child was in contact with an active HFMD cluster in his school. He developed symptoms on 19 May and was seen by a general practitioner who made a diagnosis of HFMD. The child developed seizures on 23 May and was taken to the Emergency Department. He was admitted and managed in the intensive care unit on the same day. His throat swab is positive for EV71. He has since being transferred to the general ward and his condition has improved. The thirteen-month-old boy hospitalised for suspected encephalitis on 18 May is still in intensive care unit. His condition is stable.
MOH’s sentinel surveillance continues to show a high circulation of EV71 virus, with 32% of the samples tested positive for EV71 so far this year.
Last week, 2 preschools and childcare centres were ordered to close for a period of 10 days due to the extent of outbreak in these institutions, and 5 preschools and childcare centres with sustained transmission were advised to consider voluntary closure for 10 days. Closure of a centre will assist in breaking the transmission of HFMD cases and allow the centre to thoroughly clean the premises. Please see the MOH website http://www.moh.gov.sg for the latest update on daily number of cases and list of childcare centres/preschools that have reached mandatory or voluntary closure.
HFMD is generally a mild and self-limiting childhood disease. It is endemic in Singapore and there will be yearly seasonal outbreaks.
As at 30 May 2008 noon, there are 20 reported cases, which is a good sign. Ok, so the number of new cases are dropping... its a good news ya? Our kids can soon come out and enjoy themselves~ This morning forgot to take a look at the daily report of HFMD cases in Little DinoEgg's school, tonite will have to remember to see it.
Please click here for the latest update on daily number of cases and list of Childcare Centres/Preschools that have reached mandatory or voluntary closure.
Some friends ask me the reason for me being so paranoid and caution in deciding whether to bring Little DinoEgg out in crowded area, especially places where there are lotsa children. Well, read here and you will understand my concern.
27 May 2008
The number of HFMD cases notified to MOH decreased by 22% to 729 cases in the week ending 24 May 2008 from 940 in the previous week. This brings the total number of notified HFMD cases in 2008 so far to 13,401. 12 (1.6%) cases required hospitalisation last week mainly because of poor feeding.
A ten-year-old boy has been hospitalised for encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). The child was in contact with an active HFMD cluster in his school. He developed symptoms on 19 May and was seen by a general practitioner who made a diagnosis of HFMD. The child developed seizures on 23 May and was taken to the Emergency Department. He was admitted and managed in the intensive care unit on the same day. His throat swab is positive for EV71. He has since being transferred to the general ward and his condition has improved. The thirteen-month-old boy hospitalised for suspected encephalitis on 18 May is still in intensive care unit. His condition is stable.
MOH’s sentinel surveillance continues to show a high circulation of EV71 virus, with 32% of the samples tested positive for EV71 so far this year.
Last week, 2 preschools and childcare centres were ordered to close for a period of 10 days due to the extent of outbreak in these institutions, and 5 preschools and childcare centres with sustained transmission were advised to consider voluntary closure for 10 days. Closure of a centre will assist in breaking the transmission of HFMD cases and allow the centre to thoroughly clean the premises. Please see the MOH website http://www.moh.gov.sg for the latest update on daily number of cases and list of childcare centres/preschools that have reached mandatory or voluntary closure.
HFMD is generally a mild and self-limiting childhood disease. It is endemic in Singapore and there will be yearly seasonal outbreaks.
As at 30 May 2008 noon, there are 20 reported cases, which is a good sign. Ok, so the number of new cases are dropping... its a good news ya? Our kids can soon come out and enjoy themselves~ This morning forgot to take a look at the daily report of HFMD cases in Little DinoEgg's school, tonite will have to remember to see it.
Please click here for the latest update on daily number of cases and list of Childcare Centres/Preschools that have reached mandatory or voluntary closure.
Some friends ask me the reason for me being so paranoid and caution in deciding whether to bring Little DinoEgg out in crowded area, especially places where there are lotsa children. Well, read here and you will understand my concern.

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