Finally the day came and its time to celebrate Little DinoEgg's birthday at his school~
We went to collect the cake at RM at around 3pm and with all the goodies bags walked to Little DinoEgg's school. Wow~ a 3kg cake is really heavy, my arms were tired only half way to the school :(
When we reached the school, the children were just waking up from their nap and to our dismay... Little DinoEgg was crying... Teacher Gina says he does not want to wake up *sigh* So a teary Birthday Boy met us at the door and refuse to quiet down. Only when the cake was out did he starts to smile.
All the kids were very excited, seems that the teachers have been telling them this morning that Little DinoEgg is celebrating his birthday this afternoon. All of them looked at us with their big round eyes, anticipating the upcoming celebration. When the cake was brought out, all of them crowded around the table saying "car car car~" and all wanted to take it but they know they cannot touch the cake, so all only can stare hehehe~
After getting the kids ready, they sang Birthday song, and cake given out. Some of the little ones requested for 2nd helping, that means the cake is yummy right? I only had a small bite as I was busy taking photos :)
Oh and Little DinoEgg blew out the 2 candles without any help and no saliva on the cake too, cool right?
We went to collect the cake at RM at around 3pm and with all the goodies bags walked to Little DinoEgg's school. Wow~ a 3kg cake is really heavy, my arms were tired only half way to the school :(
When we reached the school, the children were just waking up from their nap and to our dismay... Little DinoEgg was crying... Teacher Gina says he does not want to wake up *sigh* So a teary Birthday Boy met us at the door and refuse to quiet down. Only when the cake was out did he starts to smile.
All the kids were very excited, seems that the teachers have been telling them this morning that Little DinoEgg is celebrating his birthday this afternoon. All of them looked at us with their big round eyes, anticipating the upcoming celebration. When the cake was brought out, all of them crowded around the table saying "car car car~" and all wanted to take it but they know they cannot touch the cake, so all only can stare hehehe~
After getting the kids ready, they sang Birthday song, and cake given out. Some of the little ones requested for 2nd helping, that means the cake is yummy right? I only had a small bite as I was busy taking photos :)
Oh and Little DinoEgg blew out the 2 candles without any help and no saliva on the cake too, cool right?
Everyone enjoyed the cake and were happy. Gifts for all, including the teachers and aunties. It was a happy celebrtion. Little DinoEgg enjoyed it too, especially when eating the cake haha~

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