It started from a casual talk about all gers nightout, yupe, without the husbands and kids, then it became The Angelings Anniversary outing as it happens to be the 1st Anniversary of out group. And as Wendy's birthday is just 2 days later we decided to buy a cake n surprise her :)
So on 24 October 2008, all of us put on our "theme" n met up at Waruku Japanese restaurant for our dinner.
So on 24 October 2008, all of us put on our "theme" n met up at Waruku Japanese restaurant for our dinner.
It was laughter, laughter and MORE laughter! We made so much noise that we feel that we are the noisest table in the whole restaurant! People says "3 women make a market", we have 7 so we made 2 and a half markets~ woah~ imagine the level of noise we made hehhe~
Wendy was clearly surprised when the waiter brought out the cake. We sang the loudest birthday song we ever sang in a restaurant. The Swenson ice cream cake is yummy too.
After the yummy dinner, we were so full~ and took a slow walk to the Balaclava for a little bit of relax. We stopped atg convention hall while some of us visits the ladies. Then Bec has this crazy idea, pretend she is the police and catch few of us in a police sting hahahh~ She made us stand facing the wall while she "arrest" us. Imagine a big marbled wall could let us laugh n giggled n play for a full 15 mins! Gosh! How crazy the night can be~
but it was ssooooooo crowded! Change of location! We decided to try our luck at City Hall, and we are in luck~ we managed to go up to City Sdace (Is this the correct name??) So we had some drink, danced, joked, took loads n loads of pictures, see free shows; yupe... 3 shows actually... couples kissing, necking n fondling all right in front of us! They indeed treat the rest of the crowd as invisible OR perhaps they think they acquire the invisible cloak from Harry Potter n made them invisble when they put it on....
Here are the pictures for the night~
Wendy was clearly surprised when the waiter brought out the cake. We sang the loudest birthday song we ever sang in a restaurant. The Swenson ice cream cake is yummy too.
After the yummy dinner, we were so full~ and took a slow walk to the Balaclava for a little bit of relax. We stopped atg convention hall while some of us visits the ladies. Then Bec has this crazy idea, pretend she is the police and catch few of us in a police sting hahahh~ She made us stand facing the wall while she "arrest" us. Imagine a big marbled wall could let us laugh n giggled n play for a full 15 mins! Gosh! How crazy the night can be~
but it was ssooooooo crowded! Change of location! We decided to try our luck at City Hall, and we are in luck~ we managed to go up to City Sdace (Is this the correct name??) So we had some drink, danced, joked, took loads n loads of pictures, see free shows; yupe... 3 shows actually... couples kissing, necking n fondling all right in front of us! They indeed treat the rest of the crowd as invisible OR perhaps they think they acquire the invisible cloak from Harry Potter n made them invisble when they put it on....
Here are the pictures for the night~
And you think the husbands are left at home sulking? You are SSSSOOOOOO wrong! All of them, except daddy who needs to work, met up at geylang for some coffee, yummy food, beer etc.
And every time I see the photos, I can't help laughing or giggling. Although I think some of the photos are missing... who have forgotten to upload them??!!!
Last but not least, Angelings Ladies~ Thanks for a great time~ Looking forward to our next themed outing~

And every time I see the photos, I can't help laughing or giggling. Although I think some of the photos are missing... who have forgotten to upload them??!!!
Last but not least, Angelings Ladies~ Thanks for a great time~ Looking forward to our next themed outing~

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