May & Eddie is having a chalet at NSRCC n tonite they are having a BBQ to celebrate Eddie's birthday :) We & Enry+family were being invited to the birthday BBQ~
Initially we thought it will be in a seclude area but the taxi ride is about 25mins. We were very impress with the chalet~ Its a 2 storey chalet with 2 bed rooms above, a living room, dinning room, kitchen complete with sink n stove. Outside is a fairly big BBQ pit and a foyer with tables and chairs. The living room has 1 air con to keep the room cool.
Besides the BBQ food, May's mum fried bee hoon n cooked curry *yummy* Eddie's mum oneh-oneh is SEDAAAPPPP~~~ So big n juicy *salivating now* We basically jus laze around while the food is being served to us, how good is that manz. May's sis is really very good, making sure we have things to eat. The boys were well behave too, they share the few cars/buses that Ervin bought to share with them.
Daddy enjoy the BBQ the most too as he simply love BBQ n its been ages since he done that. He BBQ the chix wings, prawns, sausages etc etc. Made us ate our fill *Thank you dear*
Initially we thought it will be in a seclude area but the taxi ride is about 25mins. We were very impress with the chalet~ Its a 2 storey chalet with 2 bed rooms above, a living room, dinning room, kitchen complete with sink n stove. Outside is a fairly big BBQ pit and a foyer with tables and chairs. The living room has 1 air con to keep the room cool.
Besides the BBQ food, May's mum fried bee hoon n cooked curry *yummy* Eddie's mum oneh-oneh is SEDAAAPPPP~~~ So big n juicy *salivating now* We basically jus laze around while the food is being served to us, how good is that manz. May's sis is really very good, making sure we have things to eat. The boys were well behave too, they share the few cars/buses that Ervin bought to share with them.
Daddy enjoy the BBQ the most too as he simply love BBQ n its been ages since he done that. He BBQ the chix wings, prawns, sausages etc etc. Made us ate our fill *Thank you dear*
Oh~ i love the cake~ but then its so difficult to cut as its very "high". Also I am a "dunno-how-to-cut-birthday-cake" person so I think its a challenge. Cake should be yummy as Little DinoEgg enjoy it to the last bit; as some of u know, he LOVES cakes n is really fussy about them.
Enry left ard 8pm+ (I think, cannot remember) as Mikael is feeling cranky coz its near his bed time. We stayed back till 10pm+, chatting, eating, chatting, watching tv, eating, chatting n so on n so forth...
Had an enjoyable n great time~ Thanks May & Eddie for inviting~~

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