Have been looking around for a smaller sized bag for Little DinoEgg as (1) Elmo bag is broken and fraying (2) Little DinoEgg recently likes to carry his bag n Elmo bag is too big for his small framed body.
Couple of days ago, went to Kiddy Palace to take a look at the bags, we only saw a few choices as most of them are about the same size as the Elmo bag. Then I chance upon the small trolley bags, very cute & very light. On top of it there is one with Bob the Builder ^^ However... ... ...
"Wow look, a Bob the Builder bag! You like it?"
"Its Nafa's bag~~!!!"
*... ... ...*
"Oh ok, how about the one with cars??"
"Its Ganesh's bag~~!!!!"
*at a lost*
"O-h O-kay, then can you carry same bag as either of them?" *smiling so sweetly*
"NO!" *feels like I just got slapped on the face*
SO~~ We left Kiddy Palace EMPTY-HANDED.
Yesterday went to a neighbourhood mall n pop by one of the shop selling all the cartoon characters stuffs for kids. There are ALOT of bags of different sizes~~ "Woohoo!!" you'd say... I said so inside too BUT whichever bag i pointed to Little DinoEgg will say its XXX's bag. Gosh! its so difficult to buy a bag that no kid have since the shop is near his school and almost every family will shop at that place. Then I thot, SPIDERMAN!! but was disappointed when there are NO Spiderman bag! I mean they have but its of same size as Elmo's bag *sob sob* Yupe! Little DinoEgg is into Spidy now. While expressing my disappointment to the shop owner, he suddenly remembered his 1001 Spidy bag. YEAH! Showed it to Little DinoEgg and he was jumping up with joy! Immediately carry the bag n wanted to walk out of the shop hahaha~ So paid $20 n home bound we went.
Couple of days ago, went to Kiddy Palace to take a look at the bags, we only saw a few choices as most of them are about the same size as the Elmo bag. Then I chance upon the small trolley bags, very cute & very light. On top of it there is one with Bob the Builder ^^ However... ... ...
"Wow look, a Bob the Builder bag! You like it?"
"Its Nafa's bag~~!!!"
*... ... ...*
"Oh ok, how about the one with cars??"
"Its Ganesh's bag~~!!!!"
*at a lost*
"O-h O-kay, then can you carry same bag as either of them?" *smiling so sweetly*
"NO!" *feels like I just got slapped on the face*
SO~~ We left Kiddy Palace EMPTY-HANDED.
Yesterday went to a neighbourhood mall n pop by one of the shop selling all the cartoon characters stuffs for kids. There are ALOT of bags of different sizes~~ "Woohoo!!" you'd say... I said so inside too BUT whichever bag i pointed to Little DinoEgg will say its XXX's bag. Gosh! its so difficult to buy a bag that no kid have since the shop is near his school and almost every family will shop at that place. Then I thot, SPIDERMAN!! but was disappointed when there are NO Spiderman bag! I mean they have but its of same size as Elmo's bag *sob sob* Yupe! Little DinoEgg is into Spidy now. While expressing my disappointment to the shop owner, he suddenly remembered his 1001 Spidy bag. YEAH! Showed it to Little DinoEgg and he was jumping up with joy! Immediately carry the bag n wanted to walk out of the shop hahaha~ So paid $20 n home bound we went.
This morning Little DinoEgg was so excited that he could get to use the new Spidy bag, I was packing his bag when I discovered that the ZIP IS FAULTY!!!! Arrgghhhh!!! How difficult is it to get a decide bag for my son?!?!?!?! I have to explain to Little DinoEgg that the zip is faulty and have to go back n exchange it later today. Have to persuade him to use his Elmo bag just for today only. He protested for like 3mins and I managed to distract him with something else, n 5mins later out of the housen to school *PHEW*
However I can feel a good "war brewing" tonite coz that Spidy bag is the LAST ONE! How am I suppose to go back with another SAME bag??
Nevertheless, finally went back to the shop, the shop owner tried to mend the zip by putting vaseline on it, hopeing it will "smoothen" the track. Well it does not work... I started to look around the bags section, very few options for the smaller sized bags until Batman caught my eye! Ok ok! Since dunn have this hero, subsitute it with another hero.... still HERO right?? To do damage control, I also bought 1 Batman coloring book, 2 Spidy stickers, 1 Thomas sticker booklet n 1 Barney sticker booklet. All these dun cost much, plus I got a teeny weeny bit of discount from shop owner since I told him I must "pacify" Little DinoEgg lest he went for major meltdown...
However I can feel a good "war brewing" tonite coz that Spidy bag is the LAST ONE! How am I suppose to go back with another SAME bag??
Nevertheless, finally went back to the shop, the shop owner tried to mend the zip by putting vaseline on it, hopeing it will "smoothen" the track. Well it does not work... I started to look around the bags section, very few options for the smaller sized bags until Batman caught my eye! Ok ok! Since dunn have this hero, subsitute it with another hero.... still HERO right?? To do damage control, I also bought 1 Batman coloring book, 2 Spidy stickers, 1 Thomas sticker booklet n 1 Barney sticker booklet. All these dun cost much, plus I got a teeny weeny bit of discount from shop owner since I told him I must "pacify" Little DinoEgg lest he went for major meltdown...
Went to Granny house n just nice, he had finished his dinner and taking a rest. I told him to go to the plastic bag n see what surprise I have for him. That got him excited... he simple loves surprises~~ He saw the Batman bag n was happy then he asked;
"Mummy where is the spiderman bag?" *my heart cringes*
"Oh Spiderman bag is faulty, no more le so mummy got u a Batman bag."
He gave that a thought for like few seconds then runs off to imerse himself with the tons of stickers i just bought. *PHEW*
No crying
No meltdown
No nothing... just PEACE~~
"Mummy where is the spiderman bag?" *my heart cringes*
"Oh Spiderman bag is faulty, no more le so mummy got u a Batman bag."
He gave that a thought for like few seconds then runs off to imerse himself with the tons of stickers i just bought. *PHEW*
No crying
No meltdown
No nothing... just PEACE~~

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