Little DinoEgg is getting more creative in his speech...
During our recent trip to Mac Mac, we were talking n Little DinoEgg was busy eating his french fries with the ketchap. He was trying to get as much ketchap onto his fries as possible. Then daddy need to ask him something, call his name a few times but he ignore. I was not happy with his attitude,
Me : Daddy is calling you.
Little DinoEgg : I am busy ok!
Then I think he realised he just made a mistake coz immediately he look up n smile so sweetly at his daddy.
Was playing with Little DinoEgg when suddenly he says in between his giggles "My here very itchy, I better go n scratch it first."
*before any of u misunderstood, his "here" means the mossie bite on his chest*
During our recent trip to Mac Mac, we were talking n Little DinoEgg was busy eating his french fries with the ketchap. He was trying to get as much ketchap onto his fries as possible. Then daddy need to ask him something, call his name a few times but he ignore. I was not happy with his attitude,
Me : Daddy is calling you.
Little DinoEgg : I am busy ok!
Then I think he realised he just made a mistake coz immediately he look up n smile so sweetly at his daddy.
Was playing with Little DinoEgg when suddenly he says in between his giggles "My here very itchy, I better go n scratch it first."
*before any of u misunderstood, his "here" means the mossie bite on his chest*
Little DinoEgg was playing with his toys in the living room, I need him to take his shower;
Me : Pls put ur toys down, at the chair.
Little DinoEgg : Huh?
Me : put ur toys on the chair then let's go pom-pom.
Little DinoEgg : Chair?
Me : Ya (answer w/o thinking much)
Little DinoEgg : This is not a chair, this is a SOFA. Mummy wrong." *giggles giggles*
Me : *stunned*
Me : Pls put ur toys down, at the chair.
Little DinoEgg : Huh?
Me : put ur toys on the chair then let's go pom-pom.
Little DinoEgg : Chair?
Me : Ya (answer w/o thinking much)
Little DinoEgg : This is not a chair, this is a SOFA. Mummy wrong." *giggles giggles*
Me : *stunned*

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