We got our cravings settled! Well at least for Nicole :P Our date at Red Star Restaurant is here! We met at 11am at the restaurant n while waiting for Nicole, Alvin n Little DinoEgg got themselves acquainted.
Even though its a weekday but its Teacher's day, which means no school for the kids thus the parents took leave to bring them out. Restaurant is crowded~~ When Nicole arrives we started to order our Dim Sum~ soon, our table is filled with food!
Even though its a weekday but its Teacher's day, which means no school for the kids thus the parents took leave to bring them out. Restaurant is crowded~~ When Nicole arrives we started to order our Dim Sum~ soon, our table is filled with food!
Due to the heavy down fall, we stayed for a good 3hrs! And all thanks to Alvin who entertain Little DinoEgg, the I can gossip n chat with Serene n Nicole without any worries. He even bring him to the toilet! *THANKS ALVIN*
Well I did not eat my fill coz have to feed Little DinoEgg but I had a wonderful time, and I can vouch for Little DinoEgg that he enjoyed himself too! Especially when he get 2 packets of jelly from his favourite Auntie Serene *giggles*
So ladies, where will be our next dinner gatherings be?

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