This mini log cake is from Polar Puffs & Cakes, its very tasty and Little DinoEgg enjoy it very much. And if he enjoy it, that usually means the cake is really yummy coz he is very particular and picky on cakes :P
1st Log Cake
Its Christmas Eve and I thought I'd buy a log cake to sort of celebrate Christmas.

This mini log cake is from Polar Puffs & Cakes, its very tasty and Little DinoEgg enjoy it very much. And if he enjoy it, that usually means the cake is really yummy coz he is very particular and picky on cakes :P
This mini log cake is from Polar Puffs & Cakes, its very tasty and Little DinoEgg enjoy it very much. And if he enjoy it, that usually means the cake is really yummy coz he is very particular and picky on cakes :P
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