I had the whole morning to myself~ Little DinoEgg n daddy is at great grandma's house, expected to reach home around 1pm. I have planned my morning carefully. Amongst the usual housework, I am going to wrap the pressies up while watching tv, after that relax abit before heading out to Chris' house.
All went well, pressies nicely wrapped n I have like 2 hours more before the boys come home. Then I suddenly realized that I have forgotten to put in the little hair clips!!! AAaarrgghhh!!!! And its too late to unwrap the pressies to put them in!
All went well, pressies nicely wrapped n I have like 2 hours more before the boys come home. Then I suddenly realized that I have forgotten to put in the little hair clips!!! AAaarrgghhh!!!! And its too late to unwrap the pressies to put them in!

The pretty hair clips!
Thus I have to think of something FAST! Then I decided to make a bookmark for Eve & Jann then clip the hair clips on it, get Little DinoEgg to pass them the bookmarks as a pressie from him. Great idea right? Well, thoughts are always simpler and easier then action...
I have to bring out my boxes of art and crafts materials n try to find the perfect stickers for bookmarks, must ensure its at least of their favourite colors plus as cute n as sweet as it can be. And I cannot decide on the design theme, keep changing the stickers etc. Finally I am satisfied, n with finger crossed, I hope the girls will like it.
This is the 1st time i spend so much time, energy n brain cells in birthday pressies.

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