Meet Catherine & Charlotte downstairs at 8am to go to Cheng San cc, we have sign up for a fish farm tour organised by Cheng San cc all thanks to Catherine's dad =) We were there early (did not know the taxi ride from our house to Cheng San cc takes only 10mins), so we hang around watching some older boys playing basket ball while Little DinoEgg munch the cheese bread that Catherine's mum gave him.
At slightly after 9am, the bus is here and every one boarded it setting off to the fish farm. A 20mins ride later we entered Mainland Fish Farm, it was drizzling, but it does not dampen Little DinoEgg's spirit. He was already running already looking at the fishes in the fish tanks. To prevent him from getting into any trouble, I took out my Olympus camera; his current interest. These are the photos he took during the 1 hour we were there.

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