I reached home from my Christmas shopping to find Little DinoEgg and daddy having their dinner. Then Little DinoEgg was gone and came out from his room carrying a wrapped gifts saying "Mummy, we have a surprise for you!" Its a Christmas gift from him & daddy for me~~~
He insist on opening the gift for me
Daddy says Little DinoEgg chose the scent. He said he ask the sales assistant to spray the perfume on the strip and let him smell. After smelling a few, he decides on this scent which he confidently told daddy that I will like it. And indeed I do~ Versace perfumes scent are usually very strong n overwhelming which I do not fancy, this one is light and I love it.
And the gift card with a drawing, Little DinoEgg says its me spraying the perfume ^^,
Thanks daddy & son~ *MUACKZ MUACKZ*
Thanks daddy & son~ *MUACKZ MUACKZ*

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