Recently, Elizabeth has been ordering popiah to share during lunch, we've eaten those from Food Republic & Malacca Cafe in 313@Somerset. Today early lunching alone @ Plaza Singapura I thought I buy 1 as snack in the office later. While eating, suddenly I remember my younger days, the days when Mum decides that "today is popiah day". We will be excited about it (or at least I am) coz Mum's popiah is truly yummy.
Mum will start preparing the ingredients early the morning. Peeling the turnips, carrots, pounding the peanuts, fry the eggs, cook the prawns, then there were lettuce, lup-cheong (chinese sauasge), bean sprouts etc etc. Its labourous! And the results is of course way over the meaning "satisfying". When all the ingredients are ready, Mum will lay them on our round dinning table. The colors of the ingredients already makes us salivates n couldn't wait to sink our teeth onto one of it as soon as possible. I have to ask mum for the recipe, the Lim's popiah receipe hahaha~
I love to wrap my own popiah but I prefer Mum to do it for me. Somehow the ones that she wrap tastes million times better then the one I did it even though we are using the same ingredients n sauce. I especially love Mum's chili; she laborously pound the chili padis n mix them with some thing (i forgot what, must ask her). I remembered I had it as lunch n dinner~ woot~ yummy!
I remember I had a popiah gathering during my ITE days too. The few of us gathered at Christin's house n pig out (^^,) Of coz Auntie prepare the ingredients while we do the eating. We just wrap eat chat drink play mahjong.
Come to think of it, a dish that costs less then $10 to gather the ingredients needed to complete it, but can make so many to feed a village can cost so much per piece! $2 - $2.50 per piece... no wonder every where you turn you see stalls selling this very profitable dish.

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