Friday, June 22, 2012

Friendship Friday - Are you trying to blog?

This is my 1st post for Friendship Friday, clueless how such linky works but feeling my ways around comfortably.  This week's theme is Blogging Tips, I do not have any great tips to share, I shall share with you my blogging journey and hopefully it will inspire you.

I've been blogging since February 2007, 6 months after my precious son is born.  I was in a depressed state at that time due to some reason that is best to be left forgotten, luckily a fresh start with a new job start my healing and get me out of it.  At the same time I joined a certain forum and decided to start a blog as it was "Zee In Thing".  What's more interesting then to pen down the Love of our Life's growing up days & moments?

I have never thought that there will be anyone reading my blog since I did not publicize it other then sharing it with a few closed friends.  The main purpose of my blog is to be my personal diary on me and my family.  Being a silent blogger for a few years, I got tired of it, my blog post got lesser and eventually I stopped in October 2010. I wasn't happy but I just couldn't bring myself to blog any more.  A writer's block you may call it but I felt drained n not inspired in any ways.

However I found my inspirations to blog again in March 2012 and never looked back, I blogged about the magical change in me at Here's to My Virtual Friends.  I am grateful for these virtual friends who came into my life and left some footprints in my life.  And knowing that I have "stalkers" in my blog has really help to boost my interest and confidence to start blogging all over again.  I have also adapt a new concept for my blog, it has includes stuffs like parenting, my cooking & also my new found love - baking.

I have written 2 posts last month about blogging; Are you blogging in Freedom on 17 May 2012 and The Power of Blogging on 18 May 2012.  

Incidentally Adeline of The Accidental Mom Blogger share this today which I only recently found out to be true.

We are One as a group but yet different in our ways.  This is how the blogging community is.  I hope you find fun in blogging as much as I do.

Friendship Friday - Friend of the week 
Jean Chua of Jean Stitch

Jean is a SAHM who loves to sew things from lunch bags, tote bags, shopping bags, phone pouches, baby blankies, quilt blankets and her latest creation is fabric bookmarks.  She also homeschools her 2 beautiful kids; 8 year old daughter & 4 year old son too.

"I love anything in floral, it is always my fave and vintage, modern, a little girly and clean. A never ending list" that's what she wrote in her blog's intro and I think this is also a hint to her character.  I have known Jean for only 2 months but we hit off almost immediately.  We have not met up with each other yet (Imagine the fun we will have when we finally do!) but during our numerous chats in facebook I sense that Jean is a pleasant & happy person, I can feel the joy in her through these chats.  I fell in love with her unique creations that I have already requested her to sew something beautiful for me.

Do get acquainted with her and hop by her blog to see the lovely things she's been sewing.  I am sure you will want to get your hands on one of her creations. 

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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  1. I like this Friendship Friday idea. I agree that personally knowing other bloggers and well as the readers to our blogs keeps me going, especially the ladies of SMB like how I know you. I'll be linking with a Friendship Friday too :)

    1. Join in the fun Susan!
      I'm glad I got to know you and other lovely ladies fm SMB. Makes my day more colorful, if u know what I mean =)

  2. lovely post Jenn! I'm sure you put in a lot of thoughts to write this post. :) And very nicely done about how you've written about Jean.

    1. It was difficult to write about Jean, I struggled with the words. Distractions fm my boys n environment does not help hahaha! I have to gather myself, stay calm, gather my thoughts (many times) and start again. Finally it was done *phew* and I was satisfy with it.

  3. Jenn, thank you and I am touched for you seem to know me. We will meet up soon! :)

    1. "Seems", that's the word =)
      I hope I am right about you hehehe~ actually I am confident since I am hardly wrong about a person.
