It was a hot & humid day! We were at home with the ceiling fan on full blast but it did not help much. We are feeling all sticky n mood is not so great. Slightly after 11am IKEA delivered our shelves and daddy starts to get busy with assembling them while me & DinoEgg busy ourselves with tv & some craft time. Then its Art Class time follow by the exciting visit to Legoland roadshow @ Raffles City!
We almost could not find it as its been donkey years since we step foot onto it. We walked the whole stretch the mall but did not see it, we turned around to try to find the Information counter and the daddy saw the advert on the escalator. The event is on 3rd floor! DinoEgg could not hide his excitement (neither could I!), we were meet with a big area filled with nothing but Legos! There are many big boxes filled to the brim with Lego pieces of million sizes and different colors. Kids & adults are sitting around them happily building their Legoland of space, farm, zoo, pretty house etc. I would have sit down and have my hands on them if I am not wearing a dress.
While we left DinoEgg to immerse himself with all the Legos and head off to the counter to grab out tickets. There was a short queue and it was moving fast, within minutes we got our Legoland Tickets!
After we got our tickets we went back & find DinoEgg busy building this, according to him its Ice Cream Trucks.
And look who we bumped into! Its MummyZhu of MummyZhuHappyWorld~ I did not see her as I was keeping an eye on DinoEgg as he was in the smaller kids section, was afraid that he might accidentally bump into any toddlers. MummyZhu came up to me to say Hi! as she saw & recognize DinoEgg. We have a short chat before I have to leave the place with my boys. Of course not before I snapped photos of her handsome boys =)
How can he give up a chance to get his hands on some new Lego set? Daddy obliged (as always when he is satisfy with his behavior for the pass days) and he is a proud owner of Batwing Battle Over Gotham City set.
Hot & Humid! We are glad to get out of it even if its just a couple of hours and enjoying the *free* air con while having some family time.
Have you got your Legoland tickets? We grabbed the annual tickets as we foresee we will be going back there more then once. According to the Legoland staff, there will be shuttle service from Singapore to Legoland. Its a wonderful news since we do not owe a car thus cannot drive into Malaysia. The Lego Hotel will only be ready in 2 years time but in the meantime we can stay in a hotel at the nearby place which is only 10mins bus ride away.
So looking forward to this! Grand Opening on 15 September 2012! If you are a Lego-fanatic then grab your tickets now and mark the date down on your calender!

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