Last Thursday he show me his left knee cap with a band aid and told me that "RF chased me! I ran into the food trolley and got a cut. Teacher S put a plaster on it." I thought it was just a small cut till I removed it when it was time to bath later that night, got a shock + heartache. It was a small deep cut, open wound. DinoPapa cleaned up his wound n put Opsite transparent dressings. He was feeling pain but bearable.
The next day we went for play date, the kids were having fun running around all the 4 playgrounds, chasing each other. I warned DinoEgg not to run outside the playground for safety reasons (lest they run onto the road and we are too slow to catch up with them). He defied my instruction and ran out, the 2nd time he did that he fell... onto the hard rough concrete floor... O U C H !
While I screamed at him to STOP & COME BACK I saw him fell flat on his face. I hurried over, he lied down flat & not moving, I had bad thoughts; spectacles breaks & cut into his face (unlikely as the lens are "heavy duties")??? Hit his head hard on the floor thus passing out??? Then he moved and cry. Tears flow down non stop. He is a tough boy and seldom cry when he fall or injured himself as we told him that "You are a boy. Boys must be strong and do not cry." This time, its too much pain for him to handle. He fell, scrape his right knee and hit his left knee making the open wound bigger (I peeled off the transparent dressing earlier as it came off at a corner from all the crawling while playing toys on the floor). Blood just flow non stop. No amount of comforting, hugs even concerns from the other kids & friends can stop him from crying.
And you can see why.... I applied Dr Lily's aloe vera gel on his scraped knee and DinoPapa put Yunnan Baiyao powder 云南白药on the open wound. This powder is good for open wound as it absorbs the blood and close up the wound preventing any infection.
He was very miserable & whinning. I babied him coz it was such a bad wound. He was unable to straighten his leg or place his feet down onto the floor. He has to walk tippy toed with bent knee and sometimes holding onto the furniture as he walk along. I was heart broken... I even carry him to the toilet coz its simply too painful for him to put pressure on his knees.
The next day, he even declared in a sad voice that its a Stay-At-Home-Weekend as "Z's leg is painful." After carrying him to the toilet early the morning I thought "enough is enough!", he has to try to tough it out otherwise he will keep thinking of the pain and will not try to move around. He tried his luck though, keep asking me to help him bring this, do that, carry him to the toilet for toilet break. When I suggest or encourage him to do it himself, he gives me his puppy eyes look and say in his softest voice "But Z's leg is painful, re-mem-ber~~~?" *speechless* and I thought "Ok, just this once."
And he got this "great" idea. He can scoot around in his yellow chair! Brilliant! He did that when he wants to go toilet & I refuse to carry him. I whipped out my camera and he scooted real fast and hide behind the sofa, refusing to let me take his photo. Then he stood up and tippy toed real fast to the toilet, laughing along the way.
He tried his trick again with daddy later that night and was caught on the camera.
We encouraged & pushed him to walk, to move but he wanted attention from us, remind us that "Z's leg is painful, remember?" Most of the time we just ignore him. And soon he show his "true colors", when he wanted sweets from the fridge, snacks from the side table he can walk properly (with knees slightly bent) to get them. He can even run to get the sweet and back to me asking for permission to eat that. And when we exclaimed "Wow! You can walk!" he immediately went limp n hold onto anything that is near him and gave us the painful look then whisper "ya... but its still pa-in-ful..." Then he climbed up the sofa n refuse to move till later.
Well, he brightens up when I show him the new Tom & Jerry pj and Phineas and Ferb underwear I received it yesterday.
Today he is better. The open wound has alot of pus *YUCKS* but nothing the Yunnan Baiyao powder can't fix. He just came out of the bathroom after bathing hoping happily like a rabbit becoz "Z cannot walk so he has to hop hop hop!!!" DinoPapa just changed his dressing and the wound is healing up well. We just have to keep it dry and change dressings daily and soon the wound will heal perfectly.
Have a speedy recovery son!
~ ~ ~
Linking up with Gingerbread Mum's linky party though it's an OUCHY post but DinoEgg is with all smiles from the attention we gave him and also trying to get MORE of our attention & sympathy.

Ah, accidents like that always break a mum's heart. Still, glad to see he is smiling and on his way to recovery! Get well soon!
ReplyDeleteIts still painful to him but being kids, they tend to forget about it till they suddenly remember it n whine. We try not to focus on the pain and uses jokes & laughter instead.
DeletePoor thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope he feels better soon. I didn't see the fall but my heart also felt so cold when I saw him cry. Sayang... I hope he feels better soon! PS what is this Yunnan Baiyao> Buy from where?
ReplyDeleteAdora, you can buy it from Chinese Medical Hall. Its a small bottle & look something like this
DeletePoppy is wonderful! Really appreciates her showing TLC to him =)
Hope his wounds heal very soon and he is back to his normal self.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dominique! He is back to his normal self minus the walking part =)
DeleteOuch ouch ouch. It must have hurt terribly judging from his cries on Friday. Hope he has a speedy recovery. Sayang him more mama Dino :)
ReplyDeleteSusan, ya it hurts alot but nothing a little boy cant handle together with lotsa concerns, love & attention given by those around him.
DeleteLove the dramatics! :)
ReplyDeleteNow to perfect the not getting caught part. haha!
Give Z a big hug from me and ten big ones from Caden DiDi!
You know him. But kinda entertaining to see him trying to pretend hahah~
DeleteOh dear! I hope he recovers soon. I had similar experience with deep cuts. My girl fell on the running track. It is very rough and she had got a deep scratches. Took her one week to heal. I can understand your heartache.
ReplyDeleteI like the way he's making his way to the washroom with the chair, so drama! LOL
Thanks! With so much well wishes I am sure he will be ok in no time. Aye he is a drama-boy, got it fm his mum lol
DeleteOh, poor boy! Kids do love to milk these things. For attention...etc! Hope he feels better soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks Melinda~ He is ok today, he's on tippy toe for his right leg where the open wound is.
DeleteOouch... and he can still smile at the camera... guess if my girl, she will be 'nagging' over the matter..
ReplyDeleteHe's enjoying all the attention n funny conversation we had with him when he whine. And he's a boy, Boys are not suppose to cry for days and suppose to tough it out. Girls different, made of beancurd, have to hold in hand with extreme care =)
DeleteBig hugs to little Dino! Hope the pus clears up soon and he'll be up and running again very soon...Mommy must have felt so heartache when you nurse the open wound...
ReplyDeleteThanks! We will know tonight if the pus has cleared up.
DeleteGet well soon, Z!! today my son also has his boo-boo cos he shot himself with a rubber band on his own cheek, thank God, it didn't hit his eye :|
ReplyDeleteOMG! rubber band on cheek is super OUCHY! Ya thank god its not the eye. I also freak out when DinoEgg has a rubber in his hand when he was younger. So I ban rubber band in the house till now :P