We spent last Saturday morning in a place where its every child's dream playground.
This is the first time that we are going there and we are pretty excited about it. I was determined not to get ourselves lost (which I have the tendency to do so) I went to The Polliwogs website to check out the address & location of their outlet at Robertson Walk. Even so, when we were there we spent a few minutes looking for it, we were standing in the courtyard under the hot blazing sun trying to look for the place. We were starting to think that we went to the wrong place when I spotted the name on the 2nd floor. Apparently I forgot to take note of the unit number. So we walked up 3 flight of stairs to the second floor only to realize that we could have walk to the front of the building and take the escalator up.
Anyway, we reached the place in minutes, the very excited DinoEgg was so eager to go in that he has forgotten to take off his shoes first. We went over to a big and spacious shoe racks, took off our shoes and went in with socks on our feet. He couldn't wait for the friendly staff to put on the wristband on his hand, the second she says OK, he flew off before I can say anything.
DinoPapa & me took turns to venture into the maze looking for DinoEgg. He was having an enormous fun time with his friends running around in the maze, chasing each other.
I believe the "War Zone" are the kids favourite place. DinoEgg clearly enjoy this a lot as one minute he was shooting ball from this gun, the next he is shooting from the opposite side, the next he is down picking up balls and sending it up by dropping them into the bin where the balls will be sucked up when he pressed a button. I was standing in the line of crossing fire... sorry I mean crossing balls and was hit a couple of time by some flying balls.
DinoEgg is sure having fun sliding down the long slides and climbing back up ON the slide. Its a tiring work especially while climbing up with socked feet. Guess what? Right after the slide is a pool of balls! The kids simply love to do the slide down-get up-run-dive into ball pool routine. I even went into the ball pool and wade around a bit, so tempted to dive in too had I not have my camera on hand.
Toddler corner is at the other side with a caged ball pool where the babies & accompanying adult can have a big ball time safely. There is a small slide suitable for toddlers, the light blue light and the flowing water gives the impression that you are sliding down on water. How about hiding inside a candy color fun house that has windows of different shapes and sizes, I think I spot a mirror or 2 inside too. What's cool about this house is it goes round and round in a safe speed, the kids have a wild time hiding and feeling the world goes round and round.
While the kids have their fun climbing around safely, the parents can sit around relaxing with some food, drinks and go about their business on their iphone or laptop. Don't worry if you do not have internet connection as The Polliwogs provides free wi-fi connection, how cool is that?
While chilling out, this brightly lite area caught my eye, I love the leaf shaped signage and the lady bug adds some cozy feelings to me. I did not venture in to check it out as I was distracted by something else.
I saw a staff went into a room next to the Mother's Room & Hand Wash Area with some decorations. That's when I noticed that they have 2 rooms to hold birthday parties. Look at this beautifully decorated room with streamers, banners and balloons. Some lucky child is going to have a Pooh Bear themed birthday party soon.
2 hours later a still energetic DinoEgg emerges out from the maze after much protest to have a quick lunch of hotdog before we head off to our afternoon appointment. Regardless, from all the happy smiling faces in the photos I bet he had a blast of fun time. Maybe the next time when we are around the area we could drop by another round of serious play time.
We did not climb up on all the
areas though it is sturdy and safe for adults, we feel like a giant in a
dwarf's world, having to move around with our back bent. Its too back
breaking for our old bones, so we decide to leave the climbing n
running to the boy.
Thanks Maxine for
offering frozen yogurt to the kids though DinoEgg did not have his share
as he was "lost" in the maze. Its nice of you to ask me a few times if
I managed to get him out so that he can have the yogurt.
The Polliwogs @ Robertson Walk
11 Unity Street
#02-18/19 Robertson Walk
Singapore 237995
Tel: 6737 0982
Remarks : We received a complimentary pass for DinoEgg (adults gets to go in for free) for the purpose of this review. All opinions are 100% based on our experience during our visit.

I love the creativity of the place...:)