Monday, July 8, 2013

Clean Shoe Dirty Shoe

"Mum, where is the other side of my shoe?"
"Is there isn't it?"
"No, they are the same side.  Look."

I took a look and I laugh out loudly. True enough, DinoBoy was holding on to 2 left side shoes.  How in the world did I managed to do that???  If it was normal school day we will be facing a catastrophe of some sort but luckily its Youth Day and its no school day, he could wear his sandals to student care centre.  I still can't believe it when we were heading off to school and we both were laughing at the "silly mistake that mum made".

All through the June holiday I meant to wash DinoBoy's school shoes but never got around to do it.  There were ALWAYS something that are more important, more urgent or more fun then washing those shoes.  The new school term has started, DinoBoy has already turned his other pair of white school (I washed them before the school holidays and kept them for the new term) shoes to black, so now I have TWO pairs of shoes to wash...

I was determined to wash one pair last Sunday morning, I grabbed a pair of shoes and marched off to the toilet.  I still remember I was squatting in the toilet smiling to myself while scrubbing away thinking that FINALLY I am washing his shoes, he will have clean shoes to wear next week.  I was feeling so proud of myself when I put them out to be sun dried at the balcony some 15mins later.  I guess I was so determined to get the task done that I did not sense that there is anything wrong with the shoes in my hand.  

What am I going to do with 2 dirty left shoes and 2 clean right shoes?

I can't let him wear them to school like that and I can't wash the dirty shoes now as they need at least 2 days to dry since the inside of the shoes are cushioned.  Our balcony does not have direct strong sunlight, even if there is, its at different part of the balcony throughout the day as the Sun moves, no one will be at home to move the shoes around to catch the sun light.  

So what can I do?  Lucky I've got a bottle of sneaker shampoo!  A few wipes and the shoes are a little bit clean, not as clean as the ones I scrubbed but I guess have to make do this time.

Now, I just have to find time to wash the other dirty shoe or which kind soul wants to volunteer to wash them for me?


  1. Cute. May you find a volunteer or the time. These days both are very hard to obtain. Good Luck and Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks! I hope to find either of them SOON! =)

  2. AH! The adventures of motherhood. Sounds like a riot! (I'm not a mother yet so I don't know. :)

    1. One of the many adventures and you just gotta love these adventures right in your own house.

  3. wahahaha, joker leh you...i go a brillant idea, throw into the washing machine and put in the oven to bake... lolz

    1. then Z will have crispy shoes... lolzzz
      You are not the only person who forgotten and too busy to wash the stinky white turned black shoes.

      Me too during the June I totally forgotten about washing shoes. Not only June holiday even school days i can forget about washing shoes. So end up C have 3 pairs of shoes. Even when i am lazy or forgotten she still have a pair of cleaned shoes to wear. But each time i will spend an hour to scrub two pairs of shoes.

      I guess it's time for them to learn to wash their own shoes? What do you think? I remember when i was young i used to scrub my own shoes.(Becos i feel my mum never scrub clean)

    2. I wash my own shoes when I was in P2 or P3, cannot remember. Train them to wash? I think he will have a bath at the same time LOL

    3. water play ma~ and can blow bubbles...lolz

  4. erm the thought of washing school shoes....scares me... my children are still in the pre-primary stages.

  5. Oh my, I didn't realise that there is such a thing called sneaker shampoo! All I remember is that I used to use those white liquid 'paint' where we had to paint our shoes white and then dry them under our fridge which was elevated with some bricks! LOL

  6. LOL this is soooooo funny la! I remember I used to use chalk to whiten my shoes and then whenever I stamped my feet, a huge white cloud would puff up! But that's only when I forgot to wash them. Had that little shoe brush too. First had to scrub with soap and then apply the white shoe 'paint' over. Wow. Memories!

  7. Yeah some clothes are very hard to clean specially my younger kid john's clothes.
