Sunday, July 21, 2013

Our Weekday To-Do List

Since DinoBoy starts primary school its a constant battle every evening with him to get him to unpack his school bag, bring out the spelling books for me to sign, school's letters to parents etc.  When I saw the chore charts in Meaningful Mama's post, immediately I know this will be a solution for us!

Today while DinoBoy visit Great Grandma with DinoPapa, I decided to sit down and try to make the chart.  This is when I am really glad that I hoard all the art & craft supplies, I simply just gather those that I have and try to make it.

I list out the things I want him to do on most weekday evenings, cut them out and use mini glue dots to stick them to the mini pegs.  At the back I used the leftover colorful fish shaped scrapping pins, stuck them on to the mini pegs.  

I used a leftover foam door hanger as the board, by then DinoBoy came home and I got him to stick the mini pom-poms in the centre to divide them into "To-Do" and "Done" sections. I named his chart My Weekday To-Do List. Every time he finished the task, he will move the mini peg from "To-Do' to "Done", flipping the mini peg over to show the colorful fish.

We will be using this next week, I am keeping my fingers crossed that this will work and no more arguments or battle in the evening.

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  1. A really good idea :) I'm online most of the day, so I use Trello instead

    1. Is that a good app? I'll have a check now =) Thanks for sharing Linda~

  2. Brilliant idea, my weeks seem to be quite similar week in week out!

    1. I think for adults its mostly the same, for kids there are always some extra stuffs to do OR for the parents to help them to do.

  3. I think I need one of those for MYSELF. . . it's so CUTE and I hope it encourages and inspires DinoBoy! (I think I would have to put a "FUN" task at the bottom, a carrot on the stick, for it to work with my 7yo--get an ice cream cone, go play at the park, or snuggle with mama for a bit, etc.)

    1. Amy, he knows he will get to play with his board games or something after he's done with all that =)

  4. It's always a pleasure to visit your blog, Dino family! I get some great life management skills here. Thanks for another great post.

    1. Thanks for visiting again Deanna~ I am glad that you find my posts interesting and of some use to you.

  5. Love this idea! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thank you so much for stopping by my post...and I'm so glad I visited yours! You are fantastic! How creative...I love this chart...I am going to share it with my daughter who has an almost 5 year old son...I think this will be PERFECT!

    1. Hi Vivian, I love your blog and all those books that you recommended. I have scheduled to share your latest post in my fb page this afternoon 3pm (out time) =)

  7. This art stuff is very impressive! I'll have to try this at home! Thanks for sharing :)
