Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Flip for Joy with 新十万个为什么(4册)

Last year February we got to know about Flip for Joy and wrote a post about them back then, you can read about it here.  A year have past and we are still having fun reading the books, especially 贪心的小绵羊; 约瑟·西奥博德 (作者) (Marvin Wanted More! by Joseph Theobald), DinoBoy never fails to be amused with the things Marvin swallowed.

I am still trying to influence DinoBoy to read more Chinese story book and it's taking a slow progress but we are getting there.  And I think Flip for Joy heard my rant that "I need MORE Chinese books!" and decided to send us a set of books for DinoBoy.  So yupe, you have 2 happy campers in the neighbourhood flipping with joy.

The book that Flip for Joy sent is 新十万个为什么(4册), so apt!  This boy has endless questions to ask me, from why here is the information about the books taken from the web.
A encyclopedia with clear and concise explanations and colourful illustrations, specially designed for ages 7 and above. This comprehensive series of four books brings you fascinating facts and rich knowledge covered by key topics on Earth and the Environment, Science and Technology, Human Body and Medicine, Society and Culture. The main text comes with hanyu pinyin and there are four more complementary sections which (i) provides additional information, (ii) challenges imagination, (iii) encourages active participation and (iv) shares some humour. A perfect series to develop inquisitive minds and a global outlook in older children.
As expected DinoBoy reached for the 科学与技术 Science and Technology book to read.  There are some useful additional information around the pages where we can discuss after reading the topic, we like the bizarre thinking section at the bottom of the page, this will definitely catch the child's attention and sparks off their imagination.

This is a "wordy" books and the HanYuPinYin helps with the pronunciation of the words that DinoBoy does not recognize or new words he has not learn such as the word 气馁 discouraged or give up.  I have to explain to him certain things that is unfamiliar to him such as 大型天文望远镜 Large Telescope  银河系 Milky Way. 

And get this... Parents are suppose to know MORE than our kids right?  Well, we were reading the topic about Black Hole and I got stumped... The book wrote "它们的体积接近于零而密度和质量都很大。。。".  According to Google translator it means "Their volume is close to zero and the density and quality are large" (I copy and paste from the translation), simple right?  Try explaining the meaning of "a volume close to zero" and I get this from DinoBoy "What is zero volume? How is it possible that something can have zero volume?"

"DinoPapa!!!!!!!!!!  Where are you!!!!! You take over!!!!"

We only managed to read 2 topics because there were so many things that we can discuss and talk about.  And for such a book with so much information inside it is best to tackle a topic either a day or a week so that it is being digested properly.  This is great for parents who are home schooling their kids because they can use this as an introduction follow by other materials as reinforcement to it.

I will be looking for some more books from Flip for Joy, its so convenient to pick out the books that I want from their online bookstore and to have them delivered via courier FOC if my order amount is SGD50 and above (for order amount less than SGD50, they offer free local normal postage but you can top up $4 for courier services) to me within a few days.  With their Christmas promotion of receiving a $10 Flip for Joy e-gift card with every $100 spent in the month of December (Gift card for one time usage only, valid for 6 months) its more savings for me, perhaps I'll grab a few books for my nieces and nephews.

And to add on to this wonderful Christmas deal, Flip for Joy has graciously sponsor $20 e-cards for our "In Celebrating an Awesome 2014" Giveway Frenzy!  


Prize : x2 Flip for Joy $20 e-gift cards. Gift card is for one time usage only and valid for 3 months.
Contest Ends : 16 December 2014 @ 2359hrs
Open : Singapore Only
How to Enter : Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below
Terms and Conditions : To avoid being disqualified without prior notice for the giveaway, please read carefully the following and fulfill ALL the requirements stated;
- Winners will be picked randomly by Rafflecopter widget.
- Winners will have 3 days to respond by replying to our notification email otherwise, a new winner will be picked.
- Winners will be contacted by Flip for Joy directly via email for collection of prize.  The DinoFamily's responsibility will end once we pass the winners' details are to Flip for Joy.
- Only one winner per household.
- This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook

Disclaimer : We are in no way affiliated to the staffs and management of Flip for Joy. We received a set of 新十万个为什么(4册)books and no other compensation was received for the purpose of this post. All opinions are 100% ours and photographs belongs to DinoFamily unless otherwise credited accordingly.

*** *** ***

This is part of a series of giveaway frenzy going on for the months of November & December 2014. This giveaway frenzy is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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  1. I am very keen on 少儿地板大拼图 - 世界地图 World Map. We are currently learning the world map through print-out, exploring the world excitingly. The puzzle in Chinese version will give a chance to the kiddos to handson the countries and continents. Thanks for hosting this, Jennifer.

    1. Pc, must be hard work to print out the maps. Maybe I should also start to do this with DinoBoy.

  2. My little one would love 再讲一个故事吧! from Flip for joy. It looks like a fun read.

    1. Good choice! Your girl may be inspired to write her own stories or tell them to you too.

  3. I'm sure my boy will love 小刺猬的麻烦 Ouch! Book because he likes hedgedog a lot! Hope to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. This is such a funny book! Makes me feel like my typical day where every thing went wrong hehehehe~

  4. 这是什么队列?
    My girls are into animals now thus this book gonna excite her.

    1. Good choice! She not only will learn about numbers but the different animals' names and perhaps you can further introduce each animals to her such as their habitats, characteristic etc, after reading too.

  5. It has to be 这是谁的声音?交通工具系列(3册)!. The little one loves anything sensorial!

    1. This will be a fun book for your little one =)

  6. I am keen on the Encyclopedia that you reviewed as my son is interested in these topics.

    1. Winnie, its a great book that both adult and child will enjoy and learn many things together.

  7. 100层的房子 and 地下100层的房子
    interesting storyline and illustrations for my inquisitive boys.

    1. I am interested in these 2 books too! Perhaps I should buy it to add to our mini library.

  8. My little one will like 小兔巴尼. Somehow she is easily amused by hand puppets.-Meiyi

    1. Oh I love hand puppets too! Your little one will love this book definitely, just have to make sure that the rabbit don't land into his/her mouth and become a wet rabbit hehehe~

  9. Replies
    1. Oh~ love the colorful illustration of the book! its a positive thinking and nurturing book, I like it.

  10. My eldest will be very excited to have 少儿地板大拼图 - 世界地图 World Map as he is very into countries and atlases currently.

  11. My son will appreciate 新十万个为什么:儿童博客版 as he also loves to ask a lot of 'Why?' questions that sometimes I cannot answer. ;p

  12. Believe kid will be curious to explore the 'residents' of each floor in 100层的房子 and 地下100层的房子.

    1. Good choice! You are the 2nd person here to say that, now I think I should get it too :D

  13. My son would love "Library Lion" as he enjoys visiting the library too.


    1. We have this book and its a great read, teaches that it is ok to break a little rule provided that it does not do great harm to others.

  14. I guess it would be why does it rain. Because my kids love to play in the rain
    Rosalind Leong

    1. Hmm... cant find the book you mention, maybe its coz I can't match the title you mentioned with the Chinese title in the store.

  15. 新十万个为什么:儿童博客版
    This would be great for my boy! As well as for me! hahaa...

  16. My boy loves cars and such. He will flip for joy if he sees the book 不行,危险!because it is very colourful and the book is shaped like a car! :)

    1. I think he will also learn about the safety rules while travelling in a car too.

  17. My kids will love 新十万个为什么 since they are constantly asking me why... why the birds chirp. . Why the owls don't sleep at nite etc...

    1. Good choice! Your kids will like this set a lot!

  18. It will be great to win this.

    1. Hi Fiona, that is not my question for this giveaway.

  19. 游戏时间 (4册) for my two children. (4 and 3 yrs old). My children like pop-ups books and animals content books.
    With such colourful books and bilingual contents, this books will definitely bring up the children's interests and at the same time they can learn both languages.

    1. Not to mention learning about the opposites of words, numbers, colors and names of items/objects.

  20. My gal will be excited over 这是什么队列? because I just brought her to the zoo over the last weekend. She's very excited about the animals so this book will get her excitement continued on!

    Ashley Tan

    1. Then this is a great book to continue teaching her about the animals. Good choice!
